They're both featured in The Tattoo's new issue, online now.
Red Sox great Johnny Pesky, left, and Kiernan Majerus-Collins, in 2006. ( photo)
Reporter Kiernan Majerus-Collins writes about the decision by the Boston Red Sox to retire the number 6, which legendary second baseman Johnny Pesky wore back in the day.
Gabi Smith-Rosario, sculptor Gabriel Koren and Mary Majerus-Collins at the Connecticut State Capitol last week. ( photo)
Junior reporters Gabi Smith-Rosario and Mary Majerus-Collins, both of Connecticut, wrote a package of stories about a new statue placed in the State Capitol in Hartford -- the first in more than a century. It honors Prudence Crandall, a teacher in the 1830s who integrated her school for girls and got run out of town for it.
Australian junior reporter Alex Patrikios adds a tale of interning at a Melbourne newspaper and getting the chance to sit in media tycoon Rupert Murdoch's very own chair there. He wasn't in it at the time.
Finally, senior cartoonist Justin Skaradosky, also from Connecticut, weighs in with a cartoon about the war on terror.
It's a great issue. Go read it.
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Labels: high school journalism,, teen journalism