Back in the U.S., three teen writers - Brice Birdsall in Oregon and two Connecticut reporters, Leah Igdalsky and Kiernan Majerus-Collins --
weighed in on Black Friday in the wake of the trampling death of a Wal-Mart worker in New York.
Speaking of New York, don't miss
a brother and sister take on the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in Manhattan. Kathryn and Matt Middleton, who live in Pennsylvania,tell what it's like to see the famous parade up close and personal instead of on television.
Birdsall also has a review of
Twilight, the hit new vampire movie.
I failed to send out a notice about our last issue -- sorry for that oversight! -- but let's catch up now.
Genoa, Italy's Eugenia Durante
wrote about a student protest against planned education cuts by the government while Mishra had
a piece about Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights.
Australia's Rebecca Baylis wrote
her take on the election of Barack Obama, whose acceptance speech moved her to tears. And Connecticut's Justin Skaradosky had
another of his great cartoons, too.
We're working on an election reaction package featuring the thoughts of more than two dozen young people in eight countries on five continents. It's an ambitious effort for Youth Journalism International, but we're getting there. You wouldn't believe how much material there is to try to organize coherently. When it's done soon, you'll appreciate the work that went into it.
As always, we're grateful for your support and any help that you can offer. We're eager for constructive criticism, tips, advice and any talented teens you may have in your life.
As the recent carnage in Mumbai makes clear once again, learning together about our world and the ties that bind us all, young and old, is an endeavor that's not merely nice, but perhaps the most important thing we can do. We're lucky to have so many wonderful young people in our broad Yoouth Journalism International family and so glad that their work is seen and appreciated by so many.
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